Assistance Dogs NI

Some of the benefits of animal assisted therapy include:
- Improve motor skills
- Improved balance
- Increased focus and attention
- Increased self-esteem, self- confidence
- Reduced anxiety, grief and isolation
- Increased trust, empathy
- Greater self-control
- Improved social skills
- Reduced need for medication
Dear Hollybank Family,
Oh boy, do I love chewing things at the minute! Don’t leave anything within my reach because I will eat it! I’m proud to say I have eaten three leads but this week I have decided things in the bin are tastier! My Mum has posted my latest training video ๐, I’m really proud as I made loads of mistakes last week at school. This week I’ve learned more and did really well. PS that’s my brother and sister in the video!
Lots of Love
Marshall's Diary

My new family ๐

Weekly Wiggle

Cuddle Time

Have to wear our painting aprons!

I am handsome in red!

P1 is so hard!
Visiting the Junior Hive

School days
My new uniform

My first haircut

Do you recognise me?

Tired out!

I love my new P1 friends!

I promise I'm not giving away the answers!

Our boy graduated! Congratulations!
Hollybank Primary School, PreSchool and Learning Support Units, Devenish Drive, Monkstown, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim BT37 0HF Phone: 028 9086 4944